Proceedings of Conferences (1989-2003)
The proceedings of conferences held by The Galton Institute were published 1989-2003. Some of these are available to download below.

Proceedings of conferences
Editor: Greta Jones, Robert A. Peel
Publication contents:
1. Spencer and his Circle
Greta Jones2. The Relation of Spencer’s Evolutionary Theory to Darwin’s
Robert J. Richards3. The Diffusion of Spencerism and its Political Interpretations in France and Italy
Naomi Beck4. Herbert Spencer’s Influence on Economics
John Laurent5. Herbert Spencer and Altruism: The Sternness and Kindness of a Victorian Moralist
Thomas Dixon6. Galton Lecture 2003: Spencer In History: The Second Century
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J.D.Y. Peel -
Publication Date: 2001
Editor: Milo Keynes, A.W.F. Edwards, Robert Peel
Publication contents:
Part 1. The First Fifty Years of Mendelism
1. The Introduction of Mendelism into Human Genetics
Milo Keynes2. Galton’s Theory of Ancestral Inheritance
Michael Bulmer3. The Reception of Mendelism by the Biometricians and the Early Mendelians
Eileen Magnello4. Mendelism and Man 1918-1939
A.W.F. Edwards5. The Darwin Lecture: William Bateson, Archibald Garrod and the Nature of the ‘Inborn’
Patrick BatesonThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Editor: Robert A. Peel, John Timson
Publication contents:
John TimsonThe Rediscovery of Mendelism
Peter BowlerGenetics in the New Millennium
Mark RidleyGenetic Counselling: Its Scope and Limitations
Robert G RestaProblems of Genetic Engineering
Colin TudgeGenetic Issues in Insurance and Employment: How to Prevent Unfair Discrimination
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Sandy Raeburn -
Publication Date: 1998
Editor: Robert A. Peel
Publication contents:
Genealogy: The Construction of Family Histories
Anthony CampThe Galton Lecture 1998: Eugenics: The Pedigree Years
Pauline MazumdarHuman Pedigrees and Human Genetics
Elizabeth ThompsonA Brief History of the Pedigree in Human Genetics
Robert RestaComputers for Research, Storage and Presentation of Family Histories
David HawgoodSocial, Ethical and Technical Implications of Pedigree Construction:What The Maps Tell Us About the Mapmakers
Robert RestaThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Editor: Robert A. Peel
Publication contents:
The Theoretical Foundations of Eugenics
Greta JonesEugenics: The Early Years
Geoffrey SearleWomen, Feminism and Eugenics
Lesley HallFrom Mainline to Reform Eugenics – Leonard Darwin and C P Blacker
Richard SolowayThe Eugenics Society and the Development of Demography in Britain: The International Population Union, the British Population Society and the Population Investigation Committee
Chris LangfordHuman Genetics
John TimsonNinety Years of Psychometrics
Paul KlineThe Galton Lecture: “The Eugenics Society and the Development of Biometry”
Anthony EdwardsEugenics in France and Scandinavia: Two Case Studies
Alain DrouardEugenics in North America
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Daniel Kevles -
Publication Date: 1996
Editor: Robert A. Peel
Publication contents:
The Evolution of Marie Stopes
June Rose
Marie Stopes and her Correspondents: Personalising population decline in an era of demographic change
Lesley Hall
The Galton Lecture: “Marie Stopes, Eugenics and the Birth Control Movement”
Richard Soloway
Marie Stopes and the Mothers’ Clinics
Deborah Cohen
“Marie Stopes: Secret Life” – A Comment
John Timson
Marie Stopes International Today
Patricia Hindmarsh
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Publication Date: 1995
Publication contents:
Session 1: The Nature of Intelligence
The importance of intelligence in Western societies
C. R. BrandReductionism and intelligence: the case of inspection time
Ian J. DearyIntelligence is not just mental speed
Patrick RabbittSession 2: Physical Factors
A healthy body and a healthy mind: the relationship between ill-health and cognitive function in school-age children
C. NokesThe supply of glucose to the brain and cognitive functioning
David Benton, Pearl Y. Parker and Rachael T. DonohoeThe influence of early diet on later development
Ruth MorleySession 3: Genetic Issues
Molecular genetic research on IQ: can it be done? Should it be done?
Jo Daniels, Peter McGuffin and Mike OwenGenetic influences on mild mental retardation: concepts, findings and research implications
Michael Rutter, Emily Simonoff and Robert PlominBehaviour genetic studies of intelligence, yesterday and today: the long journey from plausibility to proof (The Galton Lecture)
Thomas BouchardSession 4: Social and Group Differences
Sex differences and IQN.
J. MackintoshGroup differences: is the good society impossible?
James R. FlynnWhat genetic research on intelligence tells us about the environment
Robert Plomin, Stephen A. Petrill and Alexandra L. CuttingThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1994
Editor: Alan H. Bittles, Peter A. Parsons
Publication contents:
1. Long-term Responses to Physical Stress: Evidence from the Fossil Record
Peter R. Sheldon2. Environmental Stress and Evolutionary Adaptation
R.J. Berry3. The Galton Lecture for 1994: From Energy Budgets to Adaptive Limits under Stress: Sexual Ornaments, Senescence, and Outlier Human Populations
Peter A. Parsons4. Population Differences in Blood Pressure Genes
Nicholas D. Carter5. Sub-threshold Effects of Maternal Alcohol Consumption on Craniodental Development
Jules A. Kieser6. The Assessment of Stress in Traditional Societies
Lincoln H. Schmitt7. Stress, Gender and Leadership
Marianne Frankenhaeuser8. Stress, Work, and Health: the Role of Individual Differences
Katherine R. Parkes9. Stress in Hospital Patients
Jenifer Wilson-Barnett10. Cardiovascular Disease and Stress: from Aetiology to Intervention
Andrew Steptoe11. Psychosocial Stress and Cancer
Hans J. EysenckThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1993
Editor: R.I.M. Dunbar
Publication contents:
1. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Human Fertility
R.I.M. Dunbar2. Breastfeeding and the Baby: Natural Contraception
Alan S. McNeilly3. Understanding Natural Variation in Human Ovarian Function
Peter T. Ellison4. Nutrition, Physical Workloads and Fertility Regulation
Lyliane Rosetta5. For Love or Money: the Evolution of Reproductive and Material Motivations
Alan R. Rogers6. Fertility and Fitness Among Albuquerque Men: a Competitive Labour Market Theory
Hillard S. Kaplan, Jane B. Lancaster, John A. Bock and Sara E. Johnson7. Reproductive Decisions Viewed from an Evolutionarily Informed Historical Demography
Eckard Voland8. English Fertility, 1600-1900: Is an Economic Analysis Tenable?
P.R. Andrew Hinde9. Stopping, Starting and Spacing: the Regulation of Fertility in Historical Populations
John Landers10. Obstacles to Fertility Decline in Developing Countries
John Cleland11. Imperatives to Reproduce: Views from North-west England on Fertility in the Light of Infertility
Jeanette Edwards12. The Timing of Childbearing in Developed Countries
Máire Ní Bhrolcháin13. Low Fertility in a Pastoral Population: Constraints or Choice?
Sara RandallThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1992
Editor: S.L. Barron, D.F. Roberts
Publication contents:
1. The Galton Lecture for 1992: The Changing Status of the Fetus
S. L. Barron2. Applications of Recent Advances in DNA Techniques in the Fetus
Ann Curtis3. Normal Fetal Development and the Time of Origin of Some Structural Abnormalities
Mary J. Seller4. Preimplantation Diagnosis of Genetic Disease
P. R. Braude5. Clinical Methods of Prenatal Diagnosis
Stephen A. Walkinshaw6. Management in a Fetal Medicine Clinic
Tom Lind7. Fetal Surgery
Don K. Nakayama8. Fetal Therapy
Martin J. Whittle9. Gene Therapy and Fetal Medicine
M. Pembrey10. ‘Calming or Harming?’ The Ethics of Screening for Fetal Defects
G. R. Dunstan11. The Legal Status of the Embryo and the Fetus
Derek Morgan12. Fetal Medicine: Legal and Ethical Implications
Alexander McCall SmithThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1991
This publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1990
Author: Proceedings of the 1990 Galton Institute conference.
Publication contents:
1. Minority Populations as Genetic Isolates: The Interpretation of Inbreeding Results
James V. Neel2. Consanguinity and Genetic Disease in Finland’s Swedish-Speaking Minority
L. B. Jorde, K. J. Pitkänen, E. O’Brien and A. W. Eriksson3. The Galton Lecture for 1990: The Price of Isolation
D. F. Roberts4. Herero Demographic History
Henry Harpending and Renee Pennington5. Sociocultural Factors Influencing the Spread of Myotonic Dystrophy in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean Region of the Province of Quebec
Suzanne Veillette, Michel Perron, Jean Mathieu, Claude Prévost and Gilles Hébert6. Consanguineous Marriage in Southern Asia: Incidence, Causes and Effects
A.. H. Bittles, S. A. Shami and N. Appaji Rao7. A Health Profile of Britain’s Ethnic Minorities
R. Balarajan and Veena Soni Raleigh8. A Prospective Study on the Health of Birmingham Babies in Different Ethnic Groups: Interim Findings
Sarah Bundey9. Health Problems of the Turkish Minority in Germany: Experiences with a Prenatal β Thalassaemia Detection Programme
Wolfgang Holzgreve, Peter Miny, Sergi Terçanli and Jurgen Horst10. Neonatal Screening for Sickle Cell Disease in London Neonates
A. J. Bellingham, S. Henderson, K. Fishlock, L. Oni and M. E. C. Horn11. Demographic Characteristics of the Ethnic Minority Populations of Great Britain
John C. Haskey12. Ethnic Intermarriage
David Coleman13. Assortative Mating Among Minority Ethnic Groups in Moscow and Other Large Cities of the CIS
Olga L. Kurbatova and Elena Yu. Pobedonostseva14. Future Global Strategies for Health Care Delivery to Minorities
V. Ramalingaswami, I. C. Verma and B. AronsonThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
Publication Date: 1989
Editor: D. F. Roberts, Robert Chester
Publication contents:
1. Introduction
D. F. Roberts2. The Human Chromosome Map
T. Andrews3. The DNA Map
Kay E. Davies4. Molecular Individuality and Genetic ‘Fingerprinting’
C. F. Inglehearn and R. J. Bellamy5. Fetal Tissue Sampling
R. J. Lilford6. Fetal Diagnosis and the Need for Support
K. M. Laurence7. Prospects for Gene Insertion Therapy in Early Life
Marcus Pembrey8. Neural Transplantation in Degenerative Disease
E. R. Hitchcock9. Population Screening for Genetic Disorders
Sarah Bundey10. Family Screening for Genetic Disorders: Lessons from Huntington’s Disease
Peter S. Harper and Michael J. Morris11. Molecular Genetics in Medicine: Sharing the Benefits
Trefor Jenkins12. Genetic Registers: Problems Old and New
Alan F. H. Emery13. New Problems in Management of Families
A. Clarke14. Law or Ethics?
D. J. Cusine15. Tension: The Ethics of Choice
G. R. Dunstan16. Epilogue: Molecular Genetics in Medicine
D. F. Roberts and Robert ChesterThis publication is currently unavailable to download.
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