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Publications Archive

The following material was published before 1989 by the Eugenics Society. Some of these publications (marked with an asterix) are still available from the Galton Institute £10 + postage and packing (hardback) or £5 + postage and packing (paperback). Order using the form on the Contact page.



1988 Controlling legal addictions *

1987 Evolutionary studies

1986 Natural human fertility

1985 The political economy of health and welfare * 

1984 The health and development of children *

1983 The biology of human intelligence

1982 Developments in human reproduction and their eugenic, ethical implications

1981 Demography of immigrants and minority groups in the United Kingdom

1980 Changing patterns of child-bearing and child-rearing

1979 Changing patterns of conception and fertility

1978 Changing patterns of sexual behaviour * 

1977 Perimeters of social repair *

1976 Equalities and inequalities in family life

1975 Equalities and inequalities in health

1974 Equalities and inequalities in education

1973 Population and the new biology

1972 Resources and population

1971 Population and pollution

1970 Biosocial aspects of human fertility *

1969 Biosocial aspects of sex * 

1968 Biosocial aspects of race

1967 Genetic and environmental influences on behaviour

1966 Social and genetic influences on life and death

1965 Genetic and environmental factors in human ability

1964 Biological aspects of social problems

All the above publications and others are available in the Eugenics Society archive at the Wellcome Trust Library.

Further Archives

There are extensive further archives relating to Sir Francis Galton, and to the Galton Institute and its predecessors in the Wellcome Trust Library in London as well as at University College, London. Some of this material is available online, as are issues of The Eugenics Review.

Further information on The Galton Collection at University College, London and on The Galton Archive at University College, London can be found under the section on Sir Francis Galton.

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