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Conferences/workshops grants

We offer up to eight grants each year with a strong preference for conferences that could not take place without the Institute’s sponsorship. A grant will be subject to the following conditions:

• You don’t have to be a member of the Forum to apply, but if successful you will have to join before receiving the grant.

• There are two deadlines for grant submissions, March 1st and September 1st.  Decisions about funding will be taken within 2-3 weeks of these  deadlines. 

• The Forum’s sponsorship of the conference will be mentioned on all conference literature, including any web page relating to the conference  (which should provide a link to the Forum’s web site) 

• A representative of the Forum will be entitled to attend the conference and be given a five-minute slot to say a few words about the Forum’s   work (we do not usually take up this entitlement). 

• A brief report of the conference (500 to 1000 words) will be provided within 28 days of the meeting for the Adelphi Review (the Forum’s  attendee may be willing to produce this, but otherwise the organiser will have to do so).  

• Funding will be limited to reimbursement of actual expenditure on items such as room hire, travelling expenses, promotion, printing of  conference materials, etc. Please specify what the money will be used for.

• Since this is a small UK-based charity, the conferences should be on topics relevant to the Forum’s aims and, in general, if taking place outside the UK (e.g. a European mainland meeting or beyond) should have partnerships with, or organisers/speakers from the UK.

Applications for grants should be sent to the General Secretary and should include the following information:

• Brief CV of organiser (no more than one side of A4)

• Outline of conference programme

• Approximate date 

• Venue (ie: which city and institution)

• Estimated costs and details of any other funding sources for the conference

• Expected number of attendees

Although it is possible to reapply for funding in subsequent years, recurrent grants (e.g. for regular meetings) will not be given automatically and grant applications will always be competitive.

We would not expect the application to exceed two A4 sides (excluding organiser’s CV) and we would prefer electronic submission (Word or pdf file) to facilitate onward circulation. Please email your application to the General Secretary


The Adelphi Genetics Forum also offers grants up to £15,000 p.a. from the Forum’s Artemis Trust for projects relating to fertility choices or reproductive and sexual health. Usually only one grant is current at any time.