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Teachers’ Conference 2024

Our fifth conference for secondary teachers was held at NOWGEN in Manchester on 28 June 2024. Over 70 attendees listened to various talks mostly based on the theme of Recent Advances in Genomics. The speakers are listed below with links to their presentations.


Some useful links

From Kate Dack Genomics Educator (NHS North West Genomic Medicine Service Alliance):

Great Teaching Resources on Human Genomics

  1. NHS genetic test for infant deafness. This link goes to an ITV report about the DNA testing that can be done in the neonatal intensive care unit as part of a pharmacogenetics research project.
  2. World Record for Sequencing a Human Genome (Stanford team – 5 hours and 2 mins)
  3. Education team from Sanger Institute provide lots of amazing resources and events: and Resources for teachers
  4. NHS National Genomics Education Programme
    This website is aimed at health professionals but is of interest to many others and explains how DNA testing is being used more widely in different specialties
  5. Genomics England has some great animations and resources explaining the research they are doing and the impact they hope it will have, such as this animation introducing genomic medicine

REGISTER NOW for our 2024 Annual Conference.

Recordings of the 2023 Annual Conference are online now.

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Adelphi Genetics Forum, 19 Northfields Prospect, Northfields, London. SW18 1PE


Adelphi Genetics Forum is a Registered Charity: number 209258